Add a New Constant Message with Django’s Built-in Messages Framework: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Add a New Constant Message with Django’s Built-in Messages Framework: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of using the same old WARNING, ERROR, and INFO messages in your Django project? Do you want to add a custom message type, like NOTICE, to convey a specific message to your users? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to add a new constant message with Django’s built-in messages framework, providing a more robust and customizable way to handle messages in your application.

What are the Built-in Message Levels in Django?

In Django, the built-in messages framework provides four message levels: INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and DEBUG. These levels are defined as constants in the `django.contrib.messages` module and are used to categorize messages based on their severity. Here’s a brief overview of each level:

  • INFO (10): Informational messages, usually used for successful operations or neutral information.
  • WARNING (20): Warning messages, used to alert users of potential issues or problems.
  • ERROR (30): Error messages, used to indicate critical errors or failures.
  • DEBUG (40): Debug messages, used for debugging purposes and typically hidden from end-users.

Why Add a New Constant Message?

Sometimes, the built-in message levels might not be enough to convey the tone or severity of a message. For instance, you might want to display a NOTICE message that’s more prominent than an INFO message but less severe than a WARNING. By adding a new constant message, you can create a more granular and customizable message system that better suits your application’s needs.

Adding a New Constant Message: NOTICE

To add a new constant message, you’ll need to define it in your project’s settings file. Create a new file called `` in your project’s root directory, and add the following code:

from django.contrib.messages import constants as message_constants

# Define the new NOTICE message level

# Update the message constants dictionary
    NOTICE: 'notice',

# Define the message tag classes
    NOTICE: 'alert alert-notices',

In this example, we’ve defined a new NOTICE message level with a value of 25, which falls between the WARNING and INFO levels. We’ve also updated the `DEFAULT_TAGS` dictionary to include the new message level, and defined a custom CSS class `alert-notices` for the NOTICE message.

Using the New Constant Message in Your Application

Now that you’ve added the new NOTICE message level, you can use it in your views, templates, and forms. Here’s an example of how to use it in a view:

from django.contrib import messages
from django.shortcuts import redirect

def my_view(request):
    # ...
    messages.add_message(request, NOTICE, 'This is a NOTICE message!')
    return redirect('my_template')

In this example, we’ve added a NOTICE message to the message queue using the `add_message` function. The message will be displayed on the next page load.

Displaying the New Constant Message in Templates

To display the NOTICE message in your template, you can use the `messages` template tag:

{% regroup messages by tags as message_list %}
  {% for message in message_list %}
{{ message.message }}
{% endfor %} {% endregroup %}

In this example, we’ve used the `regroup` template tag to group the messages by their tags. We’ve then looped through the message list, displaying each message with its corresponding CSS class.

Customizing the Message Framework

The beauty of Django’s messages framework lies in its customizability. You can modify the message levels, tags, and CSS classes to fit your application’s needs. Here are some tips for customizing the message framework:

  1. Use custom CSS classes: Update the `MESSAGE_TAGS` dictionary to use custom CSS classes that match your application’s design.
  2. Define custom message levels: Add new message levels or modify existing ones to fit your application’s requirements.
  3. Implement custom message storage: Use a custom message storage class to store messages in a database or cache, rather than the default session-based storage.


In this article, we’ve explored how to add a new constant message with Django’s built-in messages framework. By defining a new NOTICE message level, we’ve created a more granular and customizable message system that better suits our application’s needs. With the tips and tricks provided, you’ll be able to take your message framework to the next level, providing a more engaging and informative experience for your users.

Message Level CSS Class
INFO 10 alert alert-info
WARNING 20 alert alert-warning
ERROR 30 alert alert-danger
DEBUG 40 alert alert-debug
NOTICE (custom) 25 alert alert-notices

With Django’s built-in messages framework, the possibilities are endless. By adding new constant messages and customizing the message levels, tags, and CSS classes, you’ll be able to create a more robust and engaging message system that meets your application’s unique needs.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Django django.contrib.messages add new constant messages.NOTICE” :

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about Django’s messaging system!

What is the purpose of adding a new constant messages NOTICE in Django’s messaging system?

The purpose of adding a new constant messages NOTICE is to provide an additional level of messaging flexibility in Django’s messaging system. This allows developers to display NOTICE-level messages to users, which are less severe than ERROR messages but more important than INFO messages.

How do I add a new constant messages NOTICE in Django’s messaging system?

To add a new constant messages NOTICE, you need to import the messages module from django.contrib and add the new constant to the messages module. For example, `messages NOTICE = 25` (assuming 25 is the desired value for NOTICE messages). Then, you can use the `messages.add_message` function to display NOTICE-level messages to users.

What are the different levels of messaging in Django’s messaging system?

Django’s messaging system provides five levels of messaging: DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, and ERROR. Each level represents a different severity of message, with DEBUG being the least severe and ERROR being the most severe.

Can I customize the appearance of NOTICE-level messages in Django’s messaging system?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of NOTICE-level messages by using CSS classes or HTML templates. You can also use Django’s built-in messaging tags to customize the display of NOTICE-level messages. For example, you can use the `messages` tag to display NOTICE-level messages with a specific CSS class or icon.

What are some common use cases for NOTICE-level messages in Django’s messaging system?

NOTICE-level messages are commonly used to display important but non-critical information to users, such as reminders, notifications, or confirmations. For example, you might use a NOTICE-level message to confirm that a user’s account has been updated successfully or to remind them to complete a task.

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