Navigating the World of Flutter: Mastering go_route, shellRoute, and Overcoming popScope Problems with Bottom Navigation
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Navigating the World of Flutter: Mastering go_route, shellRoute, and Overcoming popScope Problems with Bottom Navigation

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Flutter, the popular mobile app development framework, offers a wide range of tools and libraries to create engaging and efficient user experiences. Among these, navigation is a crucial aspect that can make or break the user’s journey. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Flutter navigation, focusing on go_route, shellRoute, and the infamous popScope problem that often arises when using bottom navigation.

What is go_route?

go_route is a popular Flutter package designed to simplify navigation in Flutter apps. It provides a declarative, route-based navigation system, allowing developers to define routes as widgets and switch between them seamlessly. go_route is an alternative to the built-in Navigator and offers a more efficient and easier-to-use approach to navigation.

Benefits of using go_route

  • Declarative syntax: Define routes as widgets, making it easy to manage navigation flows.
  • Easy route management: go_route takes care of pushing and popping routes, eliminating the need for manual navigation management.
  • Faster development: With go_route, you can focus on building your app’s features rather than worrying about navigation implementation.

What is shellRoute?

shellRoute is a special type of route in go_route that allows you to define a route as a shell or a wrapper around other routes. This is useful when you need to provide a common layout or UI elements that should be present across multiple routes.

Benefits of using shellRoute

  • Modularization: Break down your app’s UI into smaller, reusable components.
  • Consistency: Ensure a consistent layout and design across multiple routes.
  • Easy maintenance: Update the shell route once, and the changes will be reflected across all routes that use it.

The popScope Problem with Bottom Navigation

One common issue that arises when using go_route with bottom navigation is the popScope problem. When you navigate between bottom navigation tabs, the previous route’s scope is not properly closed, leading to unexpected behavior and errors.

Why does this happen?

The problem occurs because the bottom navigation bar is not a standard route in go_route. When you switch between tabs, the previous route’s scope is not automatically closed, causing issues with the navigation stack.

Solving the popScope Problem with Bottom Navigation

To overcome the popScope problem, you can use the following approach:

import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'My App',
      home: BottomNavigationBar(
        items: [
            icon: Icon(Icons.home),
            label: 'Home',
            icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
            label: 'Settings',
        currentIndex: 0,
        onTap: (index) {
          // Close the previous route's scope
          GoRouter.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);
          // Navigate to the new route
          GoRouter.of(context).pushNamed('/${index == 0 ? 'home' : 'settings'}');

In this example, we use the `popUntil` method to close the previous route’s scope when switching between bottom navigation tabs. Then, we navigate to the new route using `pushNamed`.

Best Practices for Using go_route with Bottom Navigation

1. Use shellRoute for Bottom Navigation

Define a shellRoute for your bottom navigation bar to ensure a consistent layout and design across all tabs.

  routes: [
      builder: (context, state, child) {
        return BottomNavigationBar(
          // ...
      routes: [
          path: 'home',
          builder: (context, state) {
            return HomePage();
          path: 'settings',
          builder: (context, state) {
            return SettingsPage();

2. Close the Previous Route’s Scope

When switching between tabs, close the previous route’s scope using `popUntil` to avoid the popScope problem.

onTap: (index) {
  GoRouter.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);
  GoRouter.of(context).pushNamed('/${index == 0 ? 'home' : 'settings'}');

3. Use Named Routes

Use named routes to simplify navigation and make your code more readable.

  path: 'home',
  builder: (context, state) {
    return HomePage();


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Flutter navigation using go_route and shellRoute. We’ve also discussed the common popScope problem that arises when using bottom navigation and provided a solution to overcome it. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can create robust and efficient navigation flows in your Flutter app.


What is go_route? A popular Flutter package for declarative, route-based navigation.
What is shellRoute? A special type of route in go_route that allows defining a route as a shell or wrapper around other routes.
What is the popScope problem? A common issue that arises when using go_route with bottom navigation, where the previous route’s scope is not properly closed.

Final Thoughts

Mastering go_route, shellRoute, and overcoming the popScope problem with bottom navigation will take your Flutter app’s navigation to the next level. By following the instructions and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating a seamless and engaging user experience.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get your Flutter app navigation sorted with go_route and shell_route! But, we know, sometimes things can get a little tricky. That’s why we’re here to help you troubleshoot some common issues with bottom navigation and pop scope.

Q: How do I use go_route with bottom navigation?

To use go_route with bottom navigation, you need to wrap your MaterialApp with GoRouteMaterialApp and define your routes using the GoRoute constructor. Then, you can use the GoRouter to navigate between your pages. Don’t forget to provide a key to your bottom navigation bar to avoid rebuilds!

Q: Can I use shell_route with go_route?

Yes, you can! shell_route is a package that provides a simpler way to define routes, and it’s compatible with go_route. You can use shell_route to define your routes and then use go_route to navigate between them. Just make sure to import both packages and use them correctly.

Q: What’s the deal with pop scope and bottom navigation?

Pop scope can get a little tricky with bottom navigation. Essentially, when you use a bottom navigation bar, each tab has its own navigator. So, when you push a new route, it’s pushed onto the navigator of the current tab. To avoid messing up your navigation stack, make sure to use the correct navigator when pushing and popping routes.

Q: How do I prevent the bottom navigation bar from rebuilding when I navigate?

To prevent the bottom navigation bar from rebuilding when you navigate, you need to provide a key to your navigation bar. This will tell Flutter to preserve the state of the navigation bar even when the underlying route changes. You can use a GlobalKey or a ValueKey for this.

Q: Can I use go_route with other navigation packages?

Yes, go_route is designed to be compatible with other navigation packages, including riverpod, provider, and more. Just make sure to follow the documentation for each package and use them correctly. With a little creativity, you can create a navigation system that’s tailored to your app’s specific needs!

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