The Mysterious Case of the Program Counter: Unraveling the Enigma in 68k Assembler
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The Mysterious Case of the Program Counter: Unraveling the Enigma in 68k Assembler

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Ah, the 68k assembler, a world of wonder and mystery, where the program counter holds secrets and surprises. As a seasoned programmer, you’ve probably stumbled upon the age-old question: when reading the program counter, do you get the address of the currently executing instruction or a later address? Fear not, dear reader, for today we embark on a thrilling adventure to unravel this enigma and uncover the truth.

The Program Counter: A Brief Introduction

The program counter, also known as the PC, is a crucial component of the 68k microprocessor. It’s a 32-bit register that keeps track of the memory address of the current instruction being executed. Think of it as a digital breadcrumbs trail, guiding the processor through the labyrinth of your code.

So, What’s the Deal with Reading the Program Counter?

When you read the program counter, you’re essentially asking the processor to reveal its current whereabouts in the code. Sounds simple, right? Well, not quite. The 68k architecture has a few quirks that can lead to confusion. Let’s dive deeper into the mystery.

The 68k Assembler’s Gotcha: Pipelining and the PC

The 68k processor uses a technique called pipelining to improve performance. In a nutshell, pipelining allows the processor to process multiple instructions simultaneously, improving overall throughput. However, this clever trickery comes with a catch.

When you read the program counter, you’re not getting the address of the currently executing instruction. Nope! You’re actually getting the address of the next instruction in the pipeline. Yes, you read that correctly – the next instruction!


In the example above, the `MOVE.L PC, D1` instruction reads the program counter and stores its value in register D1. But here’s the twist: the value stored in D1 will be the address of the instruction after the `MOVE.L PC, D1` instruction, not the current one.

But Wait, There’s More!

There’s another important aspect to consider: the 68k processor’s prefetch queue. The prefetch queue is a small buffer that stores the next few instructions in the pipeline. When you read the program counter, you’re actually getting the address of the instruction at the top of the prefetch queue.

This means that if the prefetch queue is not empty, reading the program counter will give you the address of the instruction that’s about to be executed, not the one that’s currently being executed. Mind blown, right?

A Practical Example: Deciphering the PC’s Secrets

Let’s create a simple example to illustrate the concept. Suppose we want to write a routine that prints the address of the current instruction to the console:

        ORG  $1000

START   MOVE.B  #$01, D0
        MOVE.L  PC, D1
        JSR     PRINT_HEX
        BRA     START

        ; Your hex printing routine here

In this example, the `MOVE.L PC, D1` instruction reads the program counter and stores its value in register D1. But what address will be stored in D1?

The answer lies in the prefetch queue. When the `MOVE.L PC, D1` instruction is executed, the prefetch queue contains the `JSR PRINT_HEX` instruction. Therefore, the value stored in D1 will be the address of the `JSR PRINT_HEX` instruction, not the current `MOVE.L PC, D1` instruction.

Conclusion: Unraveling the Mystery of the Program Counter

There you have it, folks! The program counter, while seemingly straightforward, holds secrets and surprises in the 68k assembler. By understanding the pipelining and prefetch queue mechanisms, you can unlock the mysteries of the PC and write more efficient, effective code.

Key Takeaways:

  • When reading the program counter, you get the address of the next instruction in the pipeline, not the currently executing instruction.
  • The prefetch queue affects the value read from the program counter, giving you the address of the instruction at the top of the queue.
  • Be mindful of the pipelining and prefetch queue when working with the program counter to avoid surprises.

Now that the veil of mystery has been lifted, go forth and conquer the 68k assembler with confidence! Remember, in the world of programming, knowledge is power, and understanding the intricacies of the program counter is a crucial step in mastering the 68k.

Instruction Description
MOVE.L PC, D1 Reads the program counter and stores its value in register D1.
JSR PRINT_HEX Jumps to the PRINT_HEX routine, which prints the address in hex.

And there you have it, a comprehensive guide to unraveling the enigma of the program counter in 68k assembler. Happy coding, and remember to always keep your wits about you when navigating the world of low-level programming!

Frequently Asked Question

Unravel the mysteries of 68k assembler and get the inside scoop on program counters!

Q1: When reading the program counter in 68k assembler, do I get the current instruction’s address?

Nope! When you read the program counter in 68k assembler, you’ll get the address of the next instruction to be executed, not the current one. This is because the program counter is incremented before the current instruction is executed.

Q2: Why does the program counter point to the next instruction?

It’s all about pipelining! The 68k processor uses a pipelined architecture, which means it prefetches the next instruction while executing the current one. As a result, the program counter always points to the next instruction in the pipeline.

Q3: Can I use the program counter to implement a loop?

You can, but beware! Since the program counter points to the next instruction, you’ll need to subtract 2 from the value to get the current instruction’s address. This can get tricky, especially when dealing with branch instructions. Proceed with caution!

Q4: Does this behavior apply to all 68k instructions?

Almost! This behavior applies to most instructions, but not all. Some instructions, like jmp and jsr, can modify the program counter directly. Be sure to check the instruction set documentation for specific details.

Q5: How can I get the address of the current instruction?

One way to get the address of the current instruction is to use the `lea` instruction to load the address of the current instruction into a register. Then, you can use that register to manipulate the program counter as needed. Clever, huh?

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