Unleashing the Power of HtmlWebpackPlugin: Can it Use Only the Bundles in the [name] Folder?
Image by Askell - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of HtmlWebpackPlugin: Can it Use Only the Bundles in the [name] Folder?

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As a developer, you’ve probably encountered the incredible tool that is HtmlWebpackPlugin. This plugin for Webpack is a game-changer when it comes to creating and managing HTML files for your web applications. But, have you ever wondered, “Can HtmlWebpackPlugin use only the bundles in the [name] folder?” In this article, we’ll delve into the world of HtmlWebpackPlugin and explore the possibilities of using it to target specific bundles in a designated folder.

What is HtmlWebpackPlugin?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s take a brief moment to understand what HtmlWebpackPlugin does. In essence, this plugin generates an HTML file for your application, injecting all your bundles and assets into it. This means you can focus on writing your application code, while HtmlWebpackPlugin takes care of the HTML heavy-lifting.

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'My App',
      filename: 'index.html',
      template: 'template.html'

In the example above, HtmlWebpackPlugin will generate an `index.html` file using the `template.html` file as a template. But, what if you want to restrict the bundles used to those in a specific folder?

The Magic of HtmlWebpackPlugin Configurations

One of the most powerful aspects of HtmlWebpackPlugin is its extensive configuration options. By tweaking these settings, you can customize the plugin to fit your specific needs. In our case, we want to use only the bundles in the `[name]` folder.

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'My App',
      filename: 'index.html',
      template: 'template.html',
      chunks: ['bundle1', 'bundle2'] // only include these bundles

In the example above, we’ve added the `chunks` option, specifying the bundles we want HtmlWebpackPlugin to include. But, what if we have a folder full of bundles and we want to include all of them?

Using Glob Patterns with HtmlWebpackPlugin

Fortunately, HtmlWebpackPlugin allows us to use glob patterns to target specific folders or files. By using the `chunks` option in combination with a glob pattern, we can tell HtmlWebpackPlugin to include all bundles in a specific folder.

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'My App',
      filename: 'index.html',
      template: 'template.html',
      chunks: ['src/[name]/*.js'] // include all bundles in the src/[name] folder

In this example, HtmlWebpackPlugin will include all bundles with a `.js` extension in the `src/[name]` folder. But, what if we want to exclude certain bundles or files?

Excluding Bundles and Files with HtmlWebpackPlugin

Another powerful feature of HtmlWebpackPlugin is its ability to exclude specific bundles or files from the generated HTML. By using the `excludeChunks` option, we can blacklist certain bundles or files.

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'My App',
      filename: 'index.html',
      template: 'template.html',
      chunks: ['src/[name]/*.js'],
      excludeChunks: ['vendor'] // exclude the vendor bundle

In this example, HtmlWebpackPlugin will include all bundles in the `src/[name]` folder, except for the `vendor` bundle.

Putting it all Together

Now that we’ve covered the basics of HtmlWebpackPlugin configurations and glob patterns, let’s create a comprehensive example that puts it all together.

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'My App',
      filename: 'index.html',
      template: 'template.html',
      chunks: ['src/[name]/*.js'], // include all bundles in the src/[name] folder
      excludeChunks: ['vendor', 'node_modules/**'] // exclude vendor and node_modules

In this example, HtmlWebpackPlugin will generate an `index.html` file that includes all bundles in the `src/[name]` folder, excluding the `vendor` bundle and any files in the `node_modules` folder.


In conclusion, HtmlWebpackPlugin is an incredibly powerful tool that can be tailored to fit your specific needs. By using glob patterns and configuration options, you can target specific bundles in a designated folder, making your development process more efficient and streamlined.

Remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of HtmlWebpackPlugin lies in understanding its extensive configuration options and learning how to harness the power of glob patterns. With practice and patience, you’ll be creating HTML files like a pro!

HTMLWebpackPlugin Configuration Options
Option Description
title Sets the title of the HTML file
filename Sets the filename of the generated HTML file
template Sets the template file used to generate the HTML file
chunks Sets the bundles to include in the HTML file
excludeChunks Excludes specific bundles or files from the generated HTML
  • For more information on HtmlWebpackPlugin configurations, visit the official documentation.
  • Explore the world of glob patterns and learn how to use them effectively in your development workflow.
  • Take advantage of HtmlWebpackPlugin’s built-in features, such as automatic injection of scripts and CSS files.
  1. Start building your HTML files with HtmlWebpackPlugin today!
  2. Experiment with different configuration options and glob patterns to find the perfect fit for your project.
  3. Join the HtmlWebpackPlugin community and share your experiences with others.

By following the instructions and examples provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering HtmlWebpackPlugin and taking your web development skills to the next level. Remember, the power is in your hands – or should I say, in your configuration options!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on HtmlWebpackPlugin and its folder limitations!

Can I configure HtmlWebpackPlugin to only use bundles from a specific folder?

Absolutely! You can achieve this by specifying the `_chunks` option in your HtmlWebpackPlugin configuration. For example, if you want to only use bundles from the `my-bundles` folder, you can set `chunks: [‘my-bundles/**/*’]`. This will tell HtmlWebpackPlugin to only consider bundles from that folder.

How do I specify the folder path in the `_chunks` option?

You can specify the folder path using a glob pattern. For example, if your bundles are located in a folder named `dist/bundles`, you can set `chunks: [‘dist/bundles/**/*’]`. The `**/*` part of the pattern tells HtmlWebpackPlugin to recursively match all files and subfolders within the specified folder.

What if I have subfolders within my bundles folder? Will HtmlWebpackPlugin recurse into them?

Yes, by default, HtmlWebpackPlugin will recursively search for bundles within subfolders of the specified folder. If you want to limit the search to only the top-level files within the folder, you can use a glob pattern like `chunks: [‘dist/bundles/*.js’]`. This will only match JavaScript files directly within the `dist/bundles` folder, ignoring any subfolders.

Can I exclude certain bundles from being used by HtmlWebpackPlugin?

Yes, you can exclude specific bundles by using a negated glob pattern. For example, if you want to exclude all bundles that start with `vendor`, you can set `chunks: [‘dist/bundles/**/*’, ‘!dist/bundles/vendor*’]`. The `!` symbol negates the pattern, telling HtmlWebpackPlugin to ignore any bundles that match it.

Will HtmlWebpackPlugin throw an error if it can’t find any bundles in the specified folder?

By default, HtmlWebpackPlugin will not throw an error if it can’t find any bundles in the specified folder. However, if you want to ensure that at least one bundle is found, you can set the `chunks Dominic` option to `true`. This will throw a warning if no bundles are found, and an error if no bundles are found and `chunks Dominic` is set to `error`.